
04.10.2022 ~ I feel it
come into the light
come over
keep it within you
come closer, come closer
a moment


03.15.2022 ~ untitled
there are so many things we see every day but never look at, aren't there? or look at every day but never see

03.15.2022 ~ Phoenix
I miss Jerry


03.13.2022 ~ Make hell out of what you can see
just another Sunday going by. Final tomorrow. This quarter went by a lot smoother than previously. Didn't stay up till 6 am working on a paper. Good for me. I type this at 9:46pm sipping a coffee, so that might not necessarily hold true in a few hours. I've been thinking a lot about the future recently, and how despite being scary, I'm really looking forward to it. Nothing like going headfirst into your biggest fear - the unknown. life is weird, huh. one day you're thinking about the stars and a few months later you're with them.